Of love and other four letter words
I just read a blog post by the one and only http://moroots.wordpress.com/ , and I thought about an old joke about love. That there are really only 3 words that have power, 3 magic words that can instantly change everything;3 words that well, let's just say any time these 3 words are said, the collective tightening of butt holes in the room can be heard like the sound of a thousand whispers. These words are of course, Nigger, cunt and Love They each prompt a response and thus when being said in reckless abandon, well all hell will break loose. Don't believe me, say the word Nigger(I refuse to acknowledge the term N-word, that's just a way for white people to say nigger, just say the word dammit, it is just a word, it's how you use it that matters) in a room full of racial diversity. In an argument with a woman, just try just mouth the letter C and look like you're going to say cunt, you will collect your genitals along with the rest of your burnt prop...