
Showing posts from May, 2016

There's no them...Only us

The problem isn't religion, politics or even capitalism...These are just the systems that have figured out something at the core of humanity- the drive , the hunger to ascend out of whatever mire we are in. It's giving hairless apes the chance to be more than their flesh..To transcend beyond the limitations of business, state or even physics. Look at any comic book thread ans see how viciously people will fight over Marvel versus DC, how quickly fans of one football team can mock the other. Sure it can all be good clean competitive fun and that's healthy.Ideas that we care about give us both the passion to reach beyond what we can grasp, but it also fuels apathy and dehumanization of the people who hold ideas contrary to our own. They become the other..They become them. It's a cliche for a reason that fire can warm you on a cold night, but left to run wild can incinerate all you hold dear. As the world becomes more of a space for I-where my freedoms and individualit...

The school of Life Videos-Subscribe

Hey guys, This is just a short request for you to check out the school of life videos channel on Youtube. They delve into some really great stuff. Together with say, Crash Course channel, it can be a great way to learn about history, philosophy and yourself.... Sample the  video below