Luke Warm: The one where I throw a little shade

On more than one occasion I've been greeted by that particular brand of in-your phase , I'm speaking my mind fwaaa attitude that Ugandans hold in the area of religion. People knowing that I once was found and now lost, take the opportunity upon seeing me at the mall, on the street , in the sauna and firing me with the old, "so...are you still atheist?" The A word when leaving their mouths seems to carry with it an extra level of disdain usually saved for people that chew with their mouths open or professional puppy kickers. I don't really use it to describe myself because , like I always say, it's weird to describe yourself by what you're not-we don't have a special word for people who don't believe in fairies or don't play chess but, mostly because the word has become synonymous with "hating god or claiming we know Gods don't exist" when that's not the case. By comparison the word agnostic is a little more palatable . I...