You can feel again....

There's one thing you've come to learn. We're all mad. Seriously . All of us. All our conversations should be centered on trying to figure out just how mad the person sitting across from us is. Some of us think, "Well it's them. They're mad. I'm the normal one. Why can't people be more like me ?" Others take pride in being weird( and miss the irony that that's probably the most average impulse of them all), others simply pay it no mind and keep themselves busy with work or twerking. For you, well you always knew you were a little mad , but growing up has shown you just how crazy you are. Some of it might be considered whimsical or harmless like your disdain for all things pit bull or how you can find comedy in dark and terrible ideas or how you're the most outgoing introvert I know. Your other madness is a little more subtle. It's what causes you to sabotage my own happiness. It's what makes you seek out the familiar des...