32 years of Just trying everyday

I was asleep in my bed when I turned 32 yesterday. Some people had been kind enough to send me a few messages , joking about how old I was getting and I had had a fantastic weekend so I went to sleep at about 11 pm. I woke up to a day filled with so many surprise calls and messages and lots and lots of food. I was really touched by the outpouring . Not just because it's January and people are just trying to make it till pay day. No, because I genuinely do find the effort people put in just to make me feel like I matter to them powerful. It's very easy for us to be disillusioned. It's almost a mark of intelligence now to be cynical and removed. To observe the world with a bemused indifference. How else can you see all the shit around you and NOT say "Well we're all fucked" and simply laugh and drink and be merry . Others just don't see the point and resign themselves to that sweet spot between actually giving a fuck and It gives you a great va...