Imagine Others Complexly

I have a tattoo on my wrist that reads XXIV for the year in which everything about me was turned upside down. I lost my faith and gained enlightenment..My world got much bigger and I felt ignorant of so much and this empowered me to have a hunger and thirst for knowledge only the younger, more curious version of myself could rival. In the zest for life, I returned home from school and felt a mix of excitement to share the new things I'd learned but I suddenly felt a cold shiver. I knew that my talking about the beauty of philosophy, the elegance of science and the humility of admitting we don't know about the maker f the universe that itself perplexes us was not going to be greeted with applause. But still I shared. In the safest way possible. On Facebook. Away from the emotional faces and the smell of the air getting thick with tension as you told someone you believed their belief in God was irrational. People started to inbox me, asking what had gone wrong. At first ...