On Trade , Poverty and Pencils : Opinion piece on the Great Lakes Trade Summit (July 13th-15th, 2017)

At the time of writing this piece, 13th July, 2017, the Great Lakes Summit will be taking place in Munyonyo for two days. According to the website, Kampala will play host to a gathering of politicians, businesses and pro-market advocates from Europe, East Africa and beyond. The summit will explore the vast opportunities for greater trade and investment in the region: and make the ethical case for free trade as a means for poverty alleviation, conflict resolution and social justice" Many things have been thrown at the issue of poverty since the 70's. From billions of dollars in Aid, to education and health. The problem persists still, not because the efforts that are being made are not identifying problems(emerging economies like Uganda do need a healthy populace with sound education who can better reach their potential, economically and otherwise) , but rather because these problems are part of market systems that are failing and thus they need a market system approach. ...