Every Refuge has its price: My visit to the Prophet Mbonye- led Fellowship of Remnants

I'm not really the kind of guy that's spontaneous. Many a companion has tried to get me to do things spur of the moment and had their enthusiasm slowly drained as I whipped out my calendar to see if I could spare the time for their aside. Want to go to the bar? -Better give me a day's notice. Want to have lunch today?Better shoot me a text before 8am. Want to come over to my place? Send an owl with a handwritten letter in triplicate at least 4 business days ahead! I'm just the type of person who generally knows what I'll be doing days in advance. It was therefore rather out of the ordinary for me to suddenly think one Monday afternoon - "Hey why don't I just go see what is going on at the Mbonye thing ? " I texted my friend and asked her if she'd want to go with me but true to adult life-arranging a time that worked for us both was a little difficult. But this played right into my wheelhouse. We finally set a date and I was excited. In...