I am a curious man. always have been. I want to know everything, even the disgusting, revolting details of what lurks in the dirtiest place of all-the mind.That being said, I just scribbled these musings down and wonder if you'd be so kind as to answer them..Many thanks in advance and also if you do, a unicorn will dance on your salary causing it to triple and women will find you irresistible. 1. What do you miss most about being saved?If you've never been, what do you have envy for in the idea? 2. Does it matter to you to be seen as happier, or more stable now that you've de-converted or is it not all that important? 3.Do you think that there are people who are still saved simply because they would feel such blow back from their friends and family?Is that what kept you from coming out of the closet so to speak? 4. Do you feel alone-is that old adage about atheists/unbelievers being a herd of cats true? 5. What do you still retain from your christian faith, or u...