
  1. Don't operate the remote control at someone else's house, unless they give it to you.
  2. Don't ask to borrow money in the presence of another guy you already owe money to under any circumstances. 
  3. Don't even think about hooking up with a friend's ex-girlfriend or sister. Except if they're a prick..Then just go wild
  4. When you're in the very unenviable position of having to go to a public bathroom and you happen to find another guy in there at a stall, You must go to the stall that is as far away from him as possible.Going anywhere near will be taken as a sign of aggression.
  5. Don't use somebody's towel when you're using the same shower, unless there's absolutely no recourse.
  6. Don't drink the last premium beer/soda/juice/ whatever, in someone's fridge, unless they give you the OK first.
  7. Don't ask to borrow a DVD, unless it's someone you see at least two or three times a month.
  8. Don't call to make fun of them after their sports team suffers a tough loss.Emphasis on tough/unless they are a Man U fan. Then just poke that bear till he bites.
  9. Don't make fun of a guys  mom,no matter how funny it may be. You can go crazy on the dad though.
  10. Don't order a seven-course meal when everyone else is eating fries and a burger, then say "Let's just split the check evenly" when the bill comes.


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