I Am My Own Culture
I am my own culture
Nobody can tell me different
I walk in a style all my own
I sound different eveytime I'm on the phone
My headphones are on all the time
No time to listen to the garbage they call music
No Bieber, Gaga or Minaj
I bask in a musical oasis
They're clinging to a mirage
When hip hop flipped the script
I stayed on the same page
When the fade was in
My afro was all the rage
Well at least in my mind
I don't care what's hot n' what's not
I am one of a kind
I walk by the fork in the road
I go straight
I carve out my own path
No time for looking back
I cleaned my own slate
I don't pop or lock
I don't binge or rock
I think, I want, I know
I'm different, I'm important, I matter
My job my time and everything mentioned in the latter
I'm somewhere above all that
Minuscule nuances of a brainless herd
The often go unseen, unheard
Trapped in greed
How they walk around with their heads in the sand
I'll never understand
I can see them all from my pedestal
I don't live in that need
I will be heard
Drowning out the noise of my generation
Disbelieving the myth of our desolation
A remnant remains, yes it's our absolution
I am that remnant
I see their faults, and hate their pride
I look through the window and point my finger
I forget that it's just a mirror
And the more I linger
I see I'm no different
Apathy is the new idolatry
Empathy the new pathology
To rid us of our guilt
But never change our theoloy
I is where it's at
Neatly divided into tribes and races
Pretty and ugly faces
Prisoners of our indentity
It's about I
I am the culture
Because our culture is "I"