I am an unapologetic fan of music. I love how a 3.30 second slice of sonic booms can elevate you to places unknown..How the voice of another person can communicate feelings you only thought resided within yourself; how a perfect beat tells your nervous system to take a break and proceeds to have you tap your foot and jerk around like a crazy person,; how a perfect bass line just makes you feel cool just for being able to hear it..Music as they say, is the food of love..ANYWAY, I love music* for another reason, a reason I find hard to portray but i see all around me.Let me explain

Take the prototypical band. Front man, lead guitar player, bass player and the drummer..keyboard and back up singers for the really big occasions where the stage is soo huge and needs to look full. Each person in the band represents a certain aspect of humanity.A persona if you will. The front man is the articulation of the group's attitude and persona. He/she is the face of the group, and is usually the second coolest person(at least perception wise in the band).This person represents all sales people you've ever met.All those guys that get the attention and love it.Who need to be appreciated and applauded. The guys who when out to lunch finish last because they've been talking the whole time.These are the guys who while you're watching a comedy act will proceed to nudge you after every joke to give you 4 or 5 different iterations of the punchline. No room is big enough for their ego..and their ego must be recognized or it will just continue to nudge you till it shoves you. The very same thing that makes you cheer and adore this person on stage, makes you desire to only take them in small doses lest you are prompted to walk blindfolded on coming traffic just so you can get some attention for a second

The bass player on the other hand is sure and steady. His job is to keep the rhythm and these are usually the least insecure people in the band.Possessing a quiet confidence in themselves and happy to do their thing and let other's shine.However, these are the guys who often despise the more extravagant friends and once in a while will let out a riff and a quick solo just to remind people that they're just as important. They need guidance and when left alone, they are exciting for a while, but only the very dedicated and well versed are interested in hearing them play by themselves. In general, thees are people who work as accountants, and engineers.Quiet professions that require steady hands and heads and often dislike the more flamboyount amongst us.If only because they feel they are just as good but will never fully be recognized. These are the guys at the comedy show that laugh thoughtfully and exude this"I am an intellectual and am laughing ironically at this " vibe. Then again, they may just not get the joke!

The lead guitarist is the main attraction and is usually perceived as the coolest guy in the band.Everyone loves him and he is the loudest, shadowed only by the front man. Outgoing and passionate, he is the soul of the band, and the tiniest motions he makes affect the entire song. He can make or break the band.Often he is the reason for the credibilty of the band being sure or questionable.These are your architects, lawyers, that guy at the hangout spot who knows everyone and has an endless repertoire of jokes. His insecurity is in his pride.He wants to be seen as the main man. He is most likely the guy who will explain to you why the joke is funny

The drummer is the guy who hits things for a living. Theses are the usually good natured types who hold steady blue collar type jobs and feel that anything that doesn't work up a good sweat is not worthy of being called work. A breakdown with these guys, well lets just say society would break down completely.No mechanics to fix our fancy cars, or keep the electricity on so we can watch the latest episode of Glee. No one to work the farms and keep us fed. The drummer is the one band member whose job it is not to be thought of a lot, but who when he messes up, well it's clear to all. He's the guy we call reliable and often feel is underrated. He is the guy who is sincerely laughing his heart out at the comedy show and keeps getting interrupted by the others. 

As for the keyboard player.These are the rich guys and the smart guys who feel they are doing the rest of the band (and the world) a favor. They feel very under-appreciated by the fans and feel better when everyone is left dumbfounded after they give their ideas on a chord change or give their view on the Axis of evil and how the coalition of the willing can tackle that area with low fatality. This guy is not at the comedy show

So the next time you watch your favorite band, look at them..analyze them and see who you gravitate to the most.Stop and think what this says about you.And if this makes you sad, angry, happy or unsure of yourself.If it makes you in any way apologetic.Well congratulations.You're a backup singer.


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