1. I think everyone that stopped to observe "Hammer time" can now relax. 
  2. Time travel is impossible, I think we would all agree to this. However, if it were possible,  I would go back in time 100% of the time and NEVER to the future. Except of course to see whether that cute girl will still be cute 15 years into the future. Men are dogs. 
  3. Infinity, whether you believe in God or not is actually here with us. Time will forever be in existence moing forward and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It simply changes form. This is true of everything. It simply changes form. One day the vessel I occupy will help yield ery beautiful carnations.Just please God, let them not grow roses on me. Please.  
  4. I wonder what would happen if you put 10 those Menthos things that fizz in water and other liquids,into a 1 litre bottle of  Coke, tighten it and shake it vigourously.  
  5. What happened to Charlie Sheen?Socio-Culturally, we have the memory of a gold fish.  
  6. If I could push a button and 5 people in the world somewhere got boils for the rest of their lives but I would get free internet service forever. I would think about it. Seriously think about it.   
  7. Why didn't they just ride the Dragon to Helm's deep in  Lord of the Rings?Why do bad guys feel the need to explain what they have done to the good guy just before they try to kill them?  
  8. Does anyone else think that Tom and Jerry and Wild Runner are metaphors for our capitalism and the purisuit of our dreams?Our ultimate goals will forever elude us, but we continue to incessantly chase them. We've been programmed to feel sorry for the Coyote and Tom and we all secretely hope that we'll finally catch that damn mouse(or whatever it is we desire). Cartoons are depressing.   
  9. Every country along the equator is a third world country.Hmmm  
  10. People always say, "Don't take no for an answer". That's awful. That's the way rapists think. It's a waste of time. Never take maybe for an answer. Just keep talking and maybe turns into Probablyand then....  
  11. I really like lists.   
  12. If you find Jay Leno hilarious, chances are we won't be able to be friends.   
  13. I really don't like canned laughter on tv sitcoms. Do we ever stop to think how absurd it is that there are these invisible people guffawing at some banter?It's almost like someone laughing at their own joke or telling you that "This is where you should be laughing". Such overtness is reserved for things that are not funny. anytime you have to expalin that it's a joke, you either are not funny or the person has no sense of humor. Or the joke is just not that good.  
  14. IS being smarter than you look > looking smarter than you actually are?  
  15. Everyone in the world has 3 laughs. A real laugh, a fake real laugh and a filler laugh that they use during genuine amusement, casual conevrsations where politenss is required and impersonal conersations respectively.  


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