ASCK memories

I was just thinking about some of the moments involving ASCK and I thought I'd just randomly share them...feel free to add any that come to mind
  1. My first TFC fellowship meeting back in 2003, in the old boadroom.Somehow we managed to pack over 100 people in there, but the winner was when they introduced the committee and I kid you not, about 80 people were on the committee, mbu asst Worship committee secretary(Primah)..hahaha
  2. New Provost.When they introduced the new Provost in the service Sunday morning and he said, "Come one, all coming and be it, no wait, um, konka nabiha..or something like that".
  3. Beach wave 2007..EVERYONE was there, I mean everyone.Funny thing is, we'd had a prayer and fasting retreat the month before, we barely made 10 people..ah, the zeal of youth, the 'generation'as Zac would say
  4. Nebbi guys.When the guys who'd been on outreach to Arua or was it Nebbi came back and were "spiri" up to the other side, with stories of chasing witchdoctors and  .Olivia, Primah, Dem, etc..they even gave us a special dance and informed us about what spiritual warfare really is!!.At one point Seggy stood up and said in a very Rod Parsley way, "Get to your feet, and declare your prayers and cry out to the Father!"...
  5. Birthdays at Romalo, (or some other unsuspecting establishment).A birthday meant another excuse for 40 people to hangout and of course the long speeches fawning over the birthday kid...I mean we did this what?2 times a week at times.We kept these guys in business.You've never see so many orders of chips, rice and  gravy in your life!
  6. Walk from Asck to Wandegs.Sandra asked the question."What was the most broken moment in your life?" promptly ushering in the era of serious, deep questions as people walked down from ASCK to Wandegs....If those roads could talk, they'd say 2 things"You guys were broke" and "We've heard so much about this Wejuli fellow, can we ever see him walk here once?"(Sorry dude, couldn't resist)
  7. Easter production.No idea what we were doing but my favorite all time production just cause, it was the first big production we'd ever done, Pacutho screaming till his hair fell out, Kamanzi having an Angel costume out of what I can only imagine must have been a pillow case , a very evil, suave handsome devil and of course, Junior fumbling his lines, 3 times!!!!
  8. Faith.The drive to Gulu to Faith's funeral.First tragedy we'd ever really been struck with, the outpouring of love and affection..I still get goosebumps when I think about it.How everyone had a story of how she'd touched our lives, her laugh, her teaching some of us how to hug properly, her love for God, her last birthday at camp...we miss you Faith
  9. Wellsprings Rock Night in Mukono.From the first time they played "salvation is here", Wellsprings made the shift from the 3pm choir to solid band producing superstars like lingala master Arnold Kabbale, Naiya, Bass master Wejuli, Nel Muhire, vibrato king Ivan Oboth and the vocalists like NuweG and Rose Kikule..but this outreach was EPIC: the energy, the music, the dance team was at it's peak, Nel's afro, and the fact that outreach now had over 100 people attending it...Let's just say if pacesetters went somewhere, it was an invasion.I mean we even had a hillsong type video of interviews with the youth on faith.
  10. Mechanics.Too many memories, like how they made Out of Eden the IT grtoup to get dances from, and the legendary story of the camp where Sonia and Olivia attempted to teach a one Albert Magara how to dance and later that evening, he made his debut with the mechanics and brought the house down.Sonia and Olivia,really?
  11. 3Pm.Turned from the alternative service in the afternoon to the principal service for many full of testimonies that could run longer than the sermon, songs in which we had to"listen to the words and not the voice" or so said the singer, praise rallies, coolest wardens ever(ok, I threw that in), having venue changes sprung up on us, Uncle Sam etc.But still my favorite moment from 3pm, Davi singing all 3 stanzas of Tukutendereza on the mic..classic
  12. Last but not least Relationships and relationship retreats.There was a time when dating was almost a faux paus, and when boy met girl, the fact that ASCK peeps were known for hugging at the entrance to the cathedral, at the gate, at KPC, at the park, in the taxi etc, allowed them to have a little cover but eventually it would come out and it was like you were in a fishbowl..everyone watching, and God forbid you broke up, it was almost like you were already destined for marriage.And the retreats, boys demanding girls act right, girls saying guys are stupid etc....ahhh, sweet memories.Now you'd be lucky to get a raised eyebrow when you announce yo how things have changed..VIVA ASCK                                                                                                                    ,p.s.Fingers crossed the new cathedral will be up by the time I return for good, we need to run amok


LilMs said…
good times, great memories

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