I've got my Nostradamus hat on and I'm mwriting this atop of a Mayan temple..so beware the power of my predictions.The almighty oracle has spoken
  1.  Barack Obama will win the presidential race even with a a considerable loss in the polpular vote and also, he'll ban the phrase, "Yes we can" from his household forever. 
  2. The 3rd Christopher Nolan directed Batman movie will come out and , the appropriately named, Christian Bale will be knighted and made into a Saint, making him the first non-Catholic saint.
  3. There will be a major protest in Uganda and East Africa at large as biting inflation begins to tear away at the patience of the masses with the platitudes of government. It will not lead to change but will atleast show the birth pangs of a revolt. 
  4. The Olympics will be headlined by the USA basketball team that will simply dominate(the lineup is a basketball fan's wetdream, and given the improvement in world basketball, the fans may nvere want to wake from said dream). Usain  Bolt will have a diminished performance, the whole world will wonder why some games are still olympic sports. 
  5. China will begin a space program and begin to leverage the amount of debt owed to it by various countries to make them look the other way on the various Human Rights violations going on. 
  6. The BRIC countries will begin to suffer the effects of the Eurozone crisis..a second recession is probable. Boda bodas and taxi's will raise prices. Gum will be 300-400 shillings. I will set myself on fire
  7. A major band from the 80's/90's will reunite to perform a substandard tour. Music will continue to offer up more unique artists in niche markest while the top ten charts will continue to fail to reflect this. Spotify will overtake pandora as the major online radio music source.  
  8. A huge sexual scandal will be unearthed in American politics, as this is an annual event, it will be followed by some athletes coming out as gay in one of the major sports.
  9. The anti homosexuality bill will be discussed again and again be set aside for more pressing matters leading to religious people uniting against 'a common enemy". More absurd bills will pop up in parliament than before.
  10. A sublime pothole will appear in the middle of Kampala and we can finally boast of having somehting that can be seen from space(take that China, anyone can build a great wall, we have a pothole for the ages). this pothole may be caused by Golola Moses' falling back down to earth after a super round house kick from Nagy during his rematch.
  11. Skinny jeans will take over with guys between 16 and 24, girls will begin getting more tattoes in interesting places, and a rock band of Ugandan origin will hit the airwaves. Google + will add more users but Facebook will still dominate. The new Iphone will dissapoint. Ruckus as we try to register our sim cards(mbu L.C letter, really?)
  12. Finally, the wolrd will wake up and say, "Wait a minute, those Kardashian girls are a sleeper cell sent here to distract us from the alien invasion from planet Kardashia. Their plan of making us all mindless drones forced to watch them live their lives while complaining about it will be complete. "Dammit...The world will end December 21st..I will have just gotten my first house...cheers


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