Pardon me miss
But i couldn't help but notice
How at fooling men and making your way
You are simply a novice
Allow me to say things so few
And show you how to be
A winner for sure

I know a thing or two
About stealing a man's faith
Getting a bargain on his soul
and I can teach you that trick too
I saw Samson tear men limb from limb
But Delilah's charm he had to succumb
The strongest man in the world
Ha!Brought down to his knees

Meaningless meaningless
All of life is meaningless
He correctly deduced
But Solomon's wisdom
Could not produce
A way out of a smile and wink
Of healthy bossoms and whispers of sweet nothings
Wisest man in the world
A fool for the sweetest of sins

Still question my resume?
Well I'll come forwad just a tad
To Jimmy Swaggart sweatin and weepin like a lad
Claiming to have had a moment of weakness
The champion of the world
Float like a butterfly sting like a bee
Couldn't duck the kisses of any woman  
Who looked like she was 23
I played them  like a game of chess
The Vatican's men blaming it all on me
Blame me for their insidious crimes
When they go against the cloth
Sold their souls for the second time
Waiting for the rapture
Their seats far from sure

I've waged wars
Rode the tanks into the heart of Poland
Watched from the sidelines
As kings and queens fought in the name
Of the gods that they made
Every man is a thief
Waiting to have something to steal
Every man has is price
Just waiting on the right deal
Every man is a servant
Waiting for a master before whom they can kneel

Now give me just a minute
Every man's got his limit
They'll lose their faith in the summer time
Just cause it won't stop raining
Give up their homes and all they own
for passion with 
By now you've guessed my name
But what's the name of my game?
I've got many a man on my roster
and you would surely play a big part
Fascists, rapists and killers
None of them could ever do as much
As a good woman gone wrong
So here's my card
Won't you please consider?


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