Wasting away from dreams
of being more than what they tell us
Racially cursed?
More like hella jealous
Wasting away time
Dreaming you'll forever be in your prime
Get a heart like kunta kinte
And use that brain to attain plenty
And be part of the revolution of our time

Truth is confined to the ears of the blind
Who don't see the obstacles
Like those that simpley bind
A little hard to walk by faith
With your head planted firmly in the ground

Truth is a sound
Keep ringing till it breaks down the proud
Ringing in our souls till it brings us around
Release all the prejudice
Throw it to the ground
And do a little dance to the tune of the African sound

That's why you can't be full of it
Listen all that heavyness, let go of it

Black pride eroded by little white lies
Perpetually seeking far better lives
Divided by clans, tribes and ethnic affiliation
A house divided can never build a nation
So stand up stand up
Pressure makes diamonds
Unified push against the powers against us
Spark in your heart
Believing you can save the world
While dreaming in your room
You never know when the spark will go boom
And the fire in your heart
Lights the way out of the dark


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