Say it Claim it-Bullsh*t

It's no secret. I'm not a fan of inspirational messages, or at least those that self advertise as inspirational messages. It strikes me as being quite self involved especially when what follows is some vague, feel good collection of words which really any person that's seen a few sunsets really already knows.

I do however  know the importance of having a good word in season, of words beautifully crafted to express thoughts on love and community and all that good stuff. Something that will uplift your spirits and make you decide not to just to say to hell with it and spend the rest of your days in a bathrobe watching tv all day-Which is highly satisfying till you look in the mirror and immediately loathe the creature you see before you. I also think that being pragmatic doesn't mean that you can't have hopes  and desires, just that said wishes be grounded in reality so as not to allow you to fly off spouting all kinds of gibberish.

You know the type. The faith types that do the "say it-claim it" form of magic. the idea being if you think hard enough and with enough faith, things will work to your favor simply because you they've communicated with the universe or God or your inner light or something. It's just plain lazy thinking to believe that the entire universe is responding to your wishes. That the cosmos will bend so that you get that Toyota Camry in time for Christmas because you just want it really badly and have said it enough to 'put that positive energy out there".  

The danger with this thought process is it's essentially piggybacking on a very true concept of mental preparation. It's true that those that maintain a positive outlook and keep their goals and desires in mind are more likely to succeed because they're engaging all their faculties in pursuit of said goal. With focus and hard work and a little bit of luck, we've seen people set out goals for themselves and achieve the object of their fancy. What we haven't seen is people simply wish for what they want, avoid saying anything negative and then magically achieving what they long for. There are no short cuts to achievement. 

The level of ego attached to someone thinking that just because they want something really bad and if they concentrate of it long enough, it will be attracted to them, is huge . The fact that "The Secret" was such a big seller is a minus on the development of man as a clear minded species. As the great Dave Chappelle rightly put it-"If you think that the secret to life is positive thoughts, well then kill yourself". Well I wouldn't go that far, but perhaps take a nap and think before speaking. It seems to suggest that people in poor, terrible, depressing states are that way simply because they were not thinking right!There sure must be a lot o grumpy minded people in Somalia then because that place has seen some shit. 

I'm not saying that anyone that talks positive and puts out good energy is conceited or dumb. far from it. We could use a lot more of that. Heck I try and stay positive because I figure that the shit int he world is at an all time high that anyone can easily moan about it. But there's a difference between putting a nice slant on things and literally believing that the words you say will somehow act like the forces of physics. That because i say I'm sick, that somehow I will become more sick. Or saying I fear I will fail, means I'm obviously going to fail for acknowledging my fears. 

Words are not magic. They do not create supernatural events. They can barely get you a meal in a restaurant. They do however express our inner thoughts, our desires and fears and passions and pleas. . So I say, say whatever you need to say-bad, good , shitty, neat, slightly slutty, supremely witty or not all that pretty. The power of the tongue is not in name-claim it bullsh*t, it's in giving access to your thoughts, to take what once only existed between our ears, and share it, and maybe, just maybe, give us the urge to achieve it .Don't say it, then claim it and just park it-Say it, then do it. 


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