Warts and All: The wedding meeting

There are a few people in this world that I have great affection for. I have many acquaintances but there are people who are a little more than just friends, they're family to me. Two people who fall into this category succumbed to Cupid's arrow and are getting married. Jubilation and ululation all around. It's a beautiful thing when people you care about find each other. Plus you don't have to pretend to like your friend's new boyfriend or girlfriend just for their sake.

Now as of last week, the wedding plans were almost something I was reading about in the news like the new royal fetus, the pope joining twitter. It was something out in the ether but now the first wedding meetings are upon us and all of a sudden, shit got real!!

"Joel, are you going to be the chairperson?"."Of course you're the chairman. You are that type". "Stop being fake nawe, you can't now do this"(My friends are rebels and throw the finger at the faux paus of using double negatives).

I turned my nose up at all of them. I am significantly taller than they are so they got a full view of my nostrils and knew that I was blah blah-ing their assumptions that just because I have been known to talk a bit too much now and then that this gab will somehow translate to running the organization for something that I have successfully avoided being a part of for over 10 years.

Now it's not that I don't want to help or contribute,; I am ready to give a kidney for either of these people(To be fair, my kidney was also in danger of being given away that week when I needed money to go for  Kirk Franklin story, but that's neither here no there). I reiterate, I love these people, but I have a disdain for wedding meetings. I have a physical reaction to their very mention. they are Jerry and I am Tom, they are good music and I am Nickelback.

so imagine my surprise when upon arriving at the first wedding meeting, the eyes of the people involved got a slight shine..as though the cavalry had come in. "Shit. I know what's about to happen. Stay strong man, Don't let them break you!!". I was all hard (TWSS), and ready for action(Also TWSS), but then I gave in. I relented and chaired the meeting. Albeit after taking great pains at saying this may be a one off occurrence. I am a sucker for people looking at me with puppy eyes.

Who could say no to that face?

Of course it was haphazard and I was out of  my element, trying to be funny now and then but also knowing I had no idea what to do. However, it turned out to not be as bad as I'd thought. Maybe because I care about these people greatly, or that there was no extortion in the form of fines and what not, and people were giving of their own volition and we actually got a committee started.

The people, and one dude in particular, gave me a bit of a hard time given my soap box declarations about the injustices of wedding meetings and how I move for them to be a two time affair max. Now here I was leading one and it wasn't terrible.

I guess I'm not too old to learn a thing or two.

Touche's love. Touche'

I learned yesterday that despite what I said in jest to the groom, "I do love you guys more than I hate doing this". Touche's love, touche'


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