Be thankful..and things to be thankful for will magically appear

Laughing hard on Sunday coz Fuck Mondays
One of my best friends routinely chastises me for being 'too positive.' " Cut that shit out , Joel. You don't have to put a positive spin on everything dude!" she says over and over. And I think she does have a point. Though of course in writing this, I realize I'm doing that thing where you take a positive or valued trait and try and dress it up as a weakness. I do agree, but I figure, all things considered, that's not such a bad thing.

This past year has been a pretty shitty one. It was a year in which people passed away at an alarming rate. Not as statistics in some new story, but living moving people that I knew. that made me laugh, and wore glasses and ordered their food in a particular way. They are no more. Many people in my social circles started to wear the stress of life on their faces. Where once was a hopeful expectation of who we were to become and accomplish, there now inhabits a fearful almost exasperated sense that mediocre is probably as far as we'll go. 

Families split. Jobs lost. Finances became an issue as some prospered and other floundered and struggled to try and save face. Life happened.

So for me to actively seeking  a silver lining on the shit that has happened and that continues to happen is a good thing. It doesn't deny or undermine the blows that come with just being alive and trying to make it invite;  that's delusion. It  doesn't mean you're foolish or crazy, just that you realize that this world has more than enough bad news for you

That you, as magnificent and as brave and intelligent as you are will some day begin to wither away. That your neurons ill not fire as they did before.You will make sounds as you try and get out your ass out of a chair. One day you will be dumped or have to dump someone. You will fail. You will lose some thing, everything that you hold dear. Entropy is undefeated . Gravity is not defied. Father time always gets his man.

Not soo rosy huh?

So I say fuck it..Enjoy your life right now. If you're reading this congratulations..Half the human population is not doing as well as you are. You have someone whose life is made better simply because you walked in the room. You have a talent that you can offer humanity. You have a voice, s story and point of view that will add to the cosmic tapestry of existence. It may not mean more than the small circle of people you interact with but it matters. Magnitude is not a measure of importance.

It's cliched and very motivational speech-ish..but cliches are so for a reason. They're almost self evident and ironically become something we ignore because we think we already know.

Today I took a few minutes off to count my blessings. To think of the opportunities I have before me. To bask in the glow of the friends new and old, of the books I have yet to read , of the new job I have, of the fact that I write things and people actually read what is going on in this crazy mind of mine. I am grateful to goodness(I have to say, being non religious means that you don't really have someone to be thankful to, but you can be thankful to the universe, to those around you..and I think it means that since what you have is out of a mix of good fortune and the works of others, it becomes an imperative to do things for others), for all I have, all I will this present moment.

I choose to focus on the good, on what it is I want to accomplish. For the strength to do what I need to do today to make my ideas and wishes for tomorrow a reality. I refuse to be think that I will be happy when..I am happy now because I have a lot to be happy about if I take the time to remind myself of that.

So as the last few minutes of my weekend fade away, I will try and not follow the playful advice of my chum to be a little less sunny about things, because I have demands waiting for me, I have a tough road this week, I have deadlines and responsibilities, I have hopes and concerns that could weigh me down. I don't think having a good attitude will hurt in helping me show em what's what.

Have a great week guys..

Be thankful and things to be thankful for will magically appear



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