Why do I still try to write?

Writing is inherently more difficult than speaking because you can see the shit you just put out. It's right there laid out for you to see. Much like you cringe at the sound of your own voice on an answering machine, so too do you recoil a little at seeing the ideas your brain has laid out.

Chuck Klosterman, one of my favorite writers and by all estimations a smart smart man with an obsession with Pop culture says that writer's block is a thing that happens to amateurs. A writer forms the discipline of writing. He/she fashions a voice by working at it night and day. By pushing through those moments when there's nothing more scary than an open word document awaiting for your wise musings. By not settling for the likes and comments from your last piece, but pressing deeper to find not only a way to touch people in some vein but also in some way, feel like you have articulated your ideas as best you can.

This is how I know I will never be a professional writer: that process up there sounds like the worst. I would rather listen to an entire Maurice Kirya album non-stop than do that. I would rather read the terms and conditions of he latest software update on my phone. I'm much more comfortable in the area of the montage.In finding some way to fast forward through the process and zip through it to the point where a finished piece of work lies before me.

I want the inverse of what it takes to create great art. I want to hammer it out in a week. But want it to convey the heaviness of the thoughts of a man who has taken a vow of silence to ponder the meaningless of life.

I want a life hack to being a good writer. To being a good person. Or at-least an interesting one which one could argue is a completely different thing.

This blog started as a space to put my thoughts down when I de-converted. It got a pretty good response and has acted as a great resource for people perplexed by the idea that a nice chap like me could be an unbeliever in the good word of Jesus Christ or Allah for that matter. It served as a great outlet for me to share my beliefs, work through my new life philosophy and a vehicle for a few humorous stories.

But now I open this blog and ....I wonder if the thing I'm writing is resonating with anyone if it's barely resonating with me.I wonder if the thing that I find interesting will be interesting for others to read(The Twitter effect). What if I've said all I want to in prose at this point? Silence is a big part of conversation. It allows for the weight of words to both be felt and measured. So how much more so would it be necessary between pieces of written work?

It's UgBlog week where the challenge is to write a blog daily and as usual, I'm behind. But I figure I will simply sit at my laptop and write what comes to mind. I need to get rid of the chaff, Work through the noise until I get to the things i really want to say...and maybe this exercise in just typing away(as u can probably tell i'm doing right now) will help me reconcile my idea of good writing and the need to express for expressions' sake.

Here goes...1 of 7.

6 more to go!!!!!!!!


Unknown said…
Keep them coming... we are all not professionals, we just write what we can.

PS. these socks are mine.

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