7 Topics over 7 Days : Government

Image result for government satire africa

Good evening fellow sojourners through this absurd existence.
Today I had an interesting conversation with 2 friends that intimated that I am the "most open person that they don't know anything about". They said they know about my love of certain things (Philosophy, Product and systems development, Chapati etc) but they felt I am a little too willing to see differences in opinion... That I entertain ideas they're not sure I fully believe. "That is the mark of intelligence! " I countered, nearly breaking my arm trying to pat myself on the back.
But I realized it might be worth sharing an opinion, thought or sentiment towards 7 key areas of life.. Right here with Zuckerberg and friends.
Won't you join me? If you want to play along... Just reply to this status update or share it with your answers and then tag a few people whom you'd want to see it and hopefully share their thoughts on the 7 topics over the next 7 days... . I will do one topic a day.
The topics one might steer clear of in polite company or atleast not have too much of an honest opinion about.
These are :
Government, Gender , Religion, Race, Marriage ,Sex, and Culture
Here goes nothing.
*My non polite company musings*...

Day 1...Government

Government :
I tend to believe Plato when he says that democracy leads to demagogues and tyranny. Inevitably, popular choice has to be tempered with protection of the rights of the minority. I'm a classical Liberal in the sense that I think government exists to ensure our rights are protected and public utility provided, but beyond that, people should be free to do as they please. Even to their own detriment... Drug use, suicide etc. What we're really discussing in politics is how best to maximize freedom without sacrificing shared responsibility.

Coming to practical and local matters, I'm most interested in what the outcome of Mugisha Muntu's consultations will yield. To me, it felt he had the best understanding of the need to build a new system of relationship between the individual, and their local government representative. Building a system that purges bad elements and promotes the service of the people paying into it.

This view doesn't inspire a lot of cheers. It's not pithy, not revolutionary in the marketable sense. We're angry. Real pains are being experienced and we want action. We want change. But I think we also must ask ourselves what this change should look like. And what we're willing to do to see it. Some say let's get him out then worry about it later. I respectfully disagree. Recent evidence suggests revolutions tend to follow the definition of the word we don't want to see... Going back to where we started.

I think as long as we are tending to create saviors and heroes, we must also realise that this also often leads to the creation of tyrants.

Tomorrow.... Gender 



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