Why it's a good thing I was a saveddee !!

Good morrow friends, it being a Friday. I'll keep my musings short and buzzfeedy. Many of my friends (Facebook really has stretched that word!) know I am not religious, but once upon a time I was. I was saved, sanctified and sure of my trip to heaven. This was in my late teens and early twenties. As a result, my wild youth was more prayer overnights and rehearsal for worship in service than wild nights in the disco (that’s what we called it, kids) . I regret some of this, but there’s also a lot that I got out of this experience so much so that I can never wish for a different experience. Here’s just 5 reasons 1. It’s okay to be weird. I was listening to DC Talk (The Alt Rock Christian band from the 90's) this morning and I started to think about what if felt like to try and tell people about them. "What? Gwe, what fake music is this?"...Being saved for us meant not listening to secular music . Music was meant to be edifying to the spirit (The God breath...