What Must Caesar Think

What Must Caesar Think
As he rides into Rome
Cheered by the crowds
Welcomed as the prince of the home
Hail Caesar! they yell
A man  who fought for the people
A better tale no one could tell

What Must Caesar Think
When he is praised as the dawning of a new age
When the might of his army instead of terror
Is used to to bring peace in the land
Oh what a sage.
A man of a new era

What Must Caesar Think
When his term is coming to an end
When he-the man with the vision
Will soon have to make way for some bell end!
Do they not see?
Can they not think?
He just needs a little more time
To bring the people into true prosperity

What Must Caesar Think
The people want Change
Argh these people
Ungrateful , shortsighted
Limited in range
They forget the terror of old
The poverty, the wanton destruction
Who are they to give him instruction?

What Must Caesar Think
As people now get sick from being over fed
Yet cry out that others are hungry,
They see the world, laugh and make merry
Make anthems about party after party
Then turnaround and say we want multiparty?
We want Change?

What Must Caesar Think
Who knew struggles as a child
And as a man fought for all he had
Forced to retreat into the wild
Battle after Battle he waged
For the people he would soon come to enrage
How bitter it must taste to see himself be disgraced

What Must Caesar Think
When even his generals start to breakaway
Must he destroy them like fire does hay?
Must he put up with incompetence in the ranks?
Must he always save the day?
They are all blind-The donors, the musicians, the elite
Vulgar women saying vulgar things
He'll have them rotting in chains

What Must Caesar Think
As the empires around him fall
When other liberators leave as villains
Shall he share the same fate?
No he must think
I am the master of my fate
I'm different

What Must Caesar Think
she is stabbed in the back
By those he rode into the city with
By those he saved
"Et Tu Brute" he cries to his friend
You are killing the state
What Must Caesar think
Waking in a cold sweat
Perhaps this will be his fate


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