The mandatory end of year post

It's that time when we look back upon the year and like an instagram filter, make the things we did just a few months ago seem almost ancient and nostalgic. It's that time when you decide to be thankful for the past year, hopeful for the next and make half hearted attempts at losing weight, learning a new skill and promising to be a saint for the next year. It's also the time to make lists. This is my list of highlights from this past year 1 . The blog. First of all, no one ever gets excited when they hear you have a blog. Usually it's a 'meh' reaction. It's akin to the reaction parents get when they begin to unleash baby pictures of their little darling-most polite people smile and endure it all the while hoping Besigye would walk by and a full scale riot breaks out just so they don't have to feign interest. Despite this general feeling that blogs are self indulgent diaries online, It's been a great way to get my thoughts out there, interact wit...