The Road To Black Adonis part B-Yoga and other ridiculous looking things
I'm now in week 4 of P90X and I must say I'm very proud of the fact that exercise has now become such a regimented part of my day that I find myself having to wake up earlier just to do it. Also, it's a Monday and according to my schedule, this is chest and arms day. I love this day because after the work out, there's what I like to call the Post work out pump where you're muscles look way bigger because of all the resistance and pump build up. Vanity thy name is Anthony. However, week 4 has begun and it's cardio and rest week from all the heavy lifting and grunt work of pushups and ab rippers(which is the worst thing ever. seriously, didn't god include it in the curses he was dishing out to Adam Eve and that poor snake?). This means it's going to be all about yoga, kenpo X, cardio x , core strengthening and stretching. Imagine my excitement. This stuff just doesn't give me motivation. It's slower, more aimed...